Saturday, 30 May 2015



I have heard that the brave are not easily defeated

The warriors of our land are hard to compromise, not even Google

The journey of a thousand miles start with a single step, yes, Amazon stocks would remind

If I need humble myself and take it one after another, remind me,

If Duckduckgo would search wide than Google

Yet not known as much

Yes, if it all starts with a single step

It would be continued and completed with many footsteps already taken notice of

To he that is in haste

To he that thinks no need to continue

Togbe Klikor would demand maybe

“What pushed you to start at the first place?

What inspired you to start at the first place?

To them that resign to fate, not long enough to continue after all”

I say ‘Ayekoo, Ayekoo, Ayekoo’ to those on the journey

Which I just began so strongly



If you ask King Solomon

“All is vanity”

To all that the ravens may gather in harvest time

Plant he the farmer

Who grows not the plants not age them to ripe

My simple message to all and sundry

To that which lives ones and  that would  someday

To live yet eternally somewhere I do not know

Live it well now

If need you believe that there is GOD

If need you believe that there is MAWUGA

If need you believe that there is AU JESUIS

And the rest maybe you can or?

Then do it now

If others continued not their journey again with you

You may to others

Humanity and to friends of the earth

If reason be, reason

If sleep be, compare to death

To them that would be in a trance

Believe or leave it

Man lives and dies once



From Google to Bing

From Key-Find to Duckduckgo

From Amazon search to Ebay

From Wikipedia to Yahoo search

From the internet to caves

Places where I possibly believe she could not be

Sleeping in the day, researching in the night

Yes, i heard her beauty glows in the night

So as I could see her very more and well

To overtake the darkness around me

Which could encompass my brain and little love heart

Oh, where is my love

Who so many years has put rules to my physiochemical biological machine

Yet to unlock all in its eyes

Deep down emotions

From the dawn of the day

Early before the cock crows

Yes, now the latter sleeps than human

So you see, my live would pass by

And I would not know

“Wake up, wake up Lin Collins, for here she comes”


Where the great and villains

Mighty swords and shield of Spartacus days

Which would fight present wars like the Greek?

Friends of ‘Cuntator’

And would later change minds and hearts

Into something new and adorable

Pleasant to the minds yet not deep into the hearts

There, there, just right there


If ever the brave would think of moving

Considering their might and power

To conquer the invisibles

Which waits for the immortals to sound the trumpet?

To note the initiation of yet another group ready for battle

With swords of words

Deep and insightful contents like shields

Would fall to fate?


From the East to the West

Ranging from fire to lake of fires

Hotter than the word itself


If it is in the Polar Regions

I dine with frozen weathers

Where it pains like truth to let out

Few yet faithful to gather at a time


If the eyes have seen something

Wait, it is a beginning of a new chapter

Yes, I know

Nevertheless, not much could be done

Than the rolling of truth

No compromising

Yes! Forward Dvsl,


Hail you live forever!!!



Yes, I have seen more than enough

If Mama Esi

“Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder”

Yes, I know

Nevertheless I am not moved

To succumb to simple beauties

Which inwards have acclaimed isolation and rejection

If rotten be a word, it is

If I fight for what fades as blinking my eyes does

Then I sleep like no others business

Of course yes

My eyes closed

To avoid temptations

Which only I know myself

Yes, I know

Efo Kodzo

“Not all glitters is gold”

So I will close my eyes

Yes, not to even look

No! Watch or rethink about whatsoever

Why? My eyes are closed


Which would I say is common to human?

He sees Efo Kwaku

“Wake up late”

Togbe Klikor waits for thousand hours

“Time to wake up”

Togbe Klikor gets angry

Calls and calls hitherto and Efo Kwaku would not here

Finally does and yet is too late

“And now he would stick to me

He would now stay closer”

Efo Kwaku does that for the remaining months

Yes, I quiet remember he would not even sit down in a day

From room 1 to room 2

And you can continue or?

If the ant is busy

Permit me to compare though

Rivers and pencils

A whole king

Yet like a river

Is his heart and mind in the hands of the Mawuga


Efo Kwaku becomes a good boy

Togbe Ahivor meets finally

Much more than Togbe Klikor could offer

Yes, Rivers and Pencils

I cannot just do much



Dangling, dangling and dangling

My old ceiling fan dangles

Bought some years ago I do not remember even

And now it is old

Though to say, I could sell it

In bits and bits

Not as that of King Solomon

Who will speak wisdom, born in it?

Yes, I know, His wisdom not for sale


Staggering, staggering and staggering

Like a drunkard

Who would be for more pot palm wine

At Mame Akosua door post

AS early as 3:00 AM

Yes, I do see him sometimes

Hm, they are for sale

Yes, so she sells them indeed

Very soon, Agbokpa

Yes Agbokpa, he will be poor

No, a pauper

He will drink in seedtime, slumber in harvest time

Not even Father Abraham would do that

In his days among others

Yes, I know wealth is not for sale


Reckless, useless and extravagant

Like a rich man lifestyle

Yes, often he would

When he thinks all to himself everything is

Where wishes are as commands

Thousand and one slaves’ and still counting

No! In our time

Cars, houses, lands, estates

Do help me continue, would you?

And thinking that all could possible be done in a day

Running, overtaking, in speed and in no time

Yes, but not as that of my Old friend Methuselah

Of course not,

Life is not for sale

Or, yes

Note “Not for sale”

Friday, 29 May 2015



In these our land where the wise would speak to the wise

Fools answering fools

Carpenters attending to Wood Cutters

Hunters to Butchers

 Mate to Captains

Apprentices to Masters

The gate officer

To higher authorities

Which would only come from above?

Reminding me of my little years in the Educational Institution

Where support are given men of authorities

Asked to rally behind them?

Not always

But where Caesar may not be given his due

Shall they be my foes?

Justice neglected

If father to Son only

Mother to daughter

What would be of goose and gander?

When party needs more than battalions

 Bouquet of flowers

If I fall for you

And you fall for me...

This is what needs doing.



Like days of my friend Noah

When we built the ark together

Never needing a sailor

Or Master to direct the ship


Or better still a captain

Where humanity of our time would not just heed to instructions

My close friend Ecclesiastes would tell you

There is time for everything

Of course there is

Especially to the kings heart

Which lies in the hands of the creator like a river?

And what about me the pauper                   

Sleeping and waking up with it

Means it not that I have to slumber

I would only remember the words of my good friend

Who will dine with Queen of Beersheba

That surely a wise fellow would grow in seedtime

You know the end to that story

If to them who has the ears would not listen

Hmm, I guess those with none

Would maybe listen with cork ears

Yes, I know

For how long possible

If strive always, I may be met by time

To quicken things up

To give me rest

Until then or?

Poverty would steal me like a thief

Oh, not so nice

Is it?



To the things I heard I did

This was not supposed to be encouraging

Or? No! Encouraging instead

Which could not yet be this time around, or always?

For the law of vibration

In that I can, some utensils

Like a silver

Wash them to become finally

If you ask my brother

“Do not wash your dirty linens in public”

Which I am yet to do however

Though in private

As to avoid the public after all

If ever to look back

To things tagged shame

Tagged beauty

Needs no wandering to what I would do

For the forward need a building block from behind

Which could be done best from behind, block?

Wait a minute, what if not?

The building may dangle and finally fall on my head

My future so shut

The past so dim

If ever I look back

To the things recorded by scenes and nature

To re-write my story

Which someday my Maths teacher would ask off

And finally get punished by the religious tutor

I could just image myself

As the future walked becomes past

To repair the way indeed

If it’s a rough road

To do some gravels and quota

Yes, to make it the most street travelled by

Yes, I know

Just someday

If ever I could look back.


This only grows in the times the flood run and run over my humble house

Which was there before the dawn of ages?

To serve as a home to all that may possible pass by

 Sojourn to places they would not remember

Talk of recounting a story from here

Where thousands would have slept and dine before

Bringing back home their lost treasures

O f all goods and goodies

So beautiful and majestic to adore in insight

For the kings sake


Who would know full well he could possible rule till end

If only I am correct

If it be a plant,

It shall not cease wet

For such make the hunter

Leaving early as he could

To the forest of many animals and things to hunt

But few to lay hands on legally

To remain focus at least


Il n’est pas facile

When great men sit to see

Stand yet you

Not to see


My little hope

Which dries in the raining season?

Like a saliva

From the north-east trade wind door post

Which finally happens to wet it?

Growing it little by little

That someday

Rain possibly

It’s all about my little hope.



Happily as it could be always

For the goose

Surely taking what it may present

When I could possibly see

Days when I did the same

Of taking up Uncle Joe dangling lifestyle

Which I could remember quiet good to emulate

Since some goodies was supposed to be in there

For the family especially me

But not to realise

That what is good for the goose is good for the gander

No, no, no, what is good for the goose may not be good for the gander

When all yield different results

To think or upheld

In tons of thousands

Which only a foolish could revisit

Back when his foolishness is at peak

You could imagine not just good to after all

Since it never promised any good at the end

Oh yes, he did it to become a star

Which only would shoot at dawn or sometimes in the afternoon?

When the sun so dazzles and heats the grounds

Convincing me of the depletion of the ozone layer

Yes! Yes! Yes! Oh, yes

What is good for the goose?

May not be good for the gander


So high to think about

With all its troubles

That my brother gone through

When he first sojourned around here

Unfortunately enough not to climb

As all never gave him the encouragement

Which I now had

The people he had

His advisers, opinion leaders

I guess the king maker was among

So high to think about


Of course the small one was never like this

Yes, I could quiet remember

Days that I climb the short ones

Which I could only do closing my eyes

Running like a leopard

Jumping over like an antelope

Which requires less of my people?

Maybe I guess

But wait, the king makers

Of course not

But now

So high to think of


Of long ago yet

If you ask my Maths teacher

“This requires a different formula”

And when finally I know thus too

I may not run over it

Nevertheless, walk it

Different heights

Different shapes

Of all different things to think about

Of course there may be some similarities

But surely shall I climb


So high to think about

Wednesday, 27 May 2015


By: Lin Collins

Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless when two powerful earthquakes shook Nepal on April 25th and May 12th.

I really think the International Rescue Committee (IRC) is doing very well. From Tanzania Nyarugusu Refugee Camp to Nepal’s earth quake incidence. I say well done. The IRC has been putting efforts tremendously just to helping the human society live comfortably. Hopefully, this is done through the agencies and affiliations that believe in them. You could imagine Association for Aid and Relief (AAR) Japan , the IRC's partner organization in Nepal aiding in this regard. It is just brilliant when people believe in you. Yes, and now I do too. If only I fall for you and you do the same for me, won’t we just get along? Of course we would.

“In these mountainous areas we see about 80 to 90 percent of the houses made of stone and mud are either totally destroyed, partially destroyed, or they have cracks,” says Noriyasu Okayama, AAR’s regional manager for Asia. “The first priority for now is shelter and food.” If at least they have been able to undertake majority of these activities, then the rest would not be a much hitch either. The simple thing is they are really doing well. Moving from one’s home to take care of someone, voluntarily, day and night tirelessly, made simple by joining an organization, the less privileged care your care, well done indeed. With the issue of shelter and food, there are plans underway already. Yes, of about 8,000 bags of rice and food not excluding, foam mats and matters of shelter, all these by the AAR’s.

However, this cannot be done by them alone, of course I know you far from Nepal. Nevertheless, you can donate to help save a live and reduce a burden. If you ask me I will tell you that no little amount is small. You give according to what you have. The International Rescue Committee’s partner, AAR, is on the ground providing lifesaving assistance to quake survivors in one of Asia’s poorest countries. They are doing their best in their capacity to suffice the situation with what they have. Nevertheless, giving them a lending would be appreciated. If some £49, £150 or £300 is what you have, then what are you waiting for? Sometimes in life you have to assume the position of certain people and change their world in your own capacity. Below this article would be how to donate or reach them.

In addition to this, you can hopefully help if you are around that vicinity in reasonable forms possibly. When it is done in kind or cash, they all aim at one thing; helping the victims of Nepal, 2 Thessalonians 3:13 (ESV). If they would probably forget what you did for them someday, mind you, God would not forget it, Hebrews 6:10 (KJV). It is all about you and the world around you. If you cannot help possible the people around you, how much more the people afar? The AAR’s are far from the victims, do their possible best to aid. They have dedicated themselves to that particularly. It is most honorable in life to put a smile on someone’s face. Make that soul feel your touch of concern.

Finally, you could imagine how the rain has already landed on its two feet. It is raining in cats and dog, very heavy indeed. This would be an emergency relief fund. Guys let’s put our hands together. Below is the information and link to their site.

Other ways to donate

By phone

Using you credit or debit card on

+44 (0)800 707 6657 or
+44 (0)20 7692 0405

By post

sending a cheque (payable to International Rescue Committee) to

3 Bloomsbury Place




“I heard you are now a lawyer”

“Yes Togbe”

“You intend to change the course later too?”

“Yes Togbe”

“if you ever, think of this too

Days of old reigns from the dawn of ages

Where humanity has none

Than living with what it has?

You should be careful indeed

If you ask ‘Togbe Klikor’

He would tell you

The good speakers he bought

Has left him deaf

Whiles I cannot forget about ‘Devio Mama’

‘Mamaga   Asignon’

She claims she regretted

Having a wife as a husband

Very soon she will be here, yes,

I know

When you ask her

“I thought it was the growing trend”

Whereas you be met with the good and bad

Take heed you follow nature’s principles

Doing what ‘Togbe Sogbolisa’, ‘Fiawo dzi fia’, requires of you

Yes, I know. The growing trend”

“Yes Togbe”


By:Lin Collins
“Investing in girls’ economic and social empowerment can reduce their risks of experiencing violence,” says Kathryn Paik, the Women’s Refugee Commission’s program officer who has been working closely with the International Rescue Committee in the Nyarugusu Camp. “It equips them with the skills and resources they need to be healthy, productive adults who can contribute positively to their families’ and communities’ well-being.”

The Nyarugusu Refugee Camp is located in the northwestern part of Tanzania, it is however crowded because of the increasing numbers from other migrants. And now it is bursting at 200 percent of its original capacity of 50,000. Good work done by the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and - Heidi Lehmann, director of the IRC’s Women’s Protection and Empowerment Unit, who is a major force behind the Girls Summit formation.

At least the IRC’s are doing a good job, training 380 adolescent Congolese girls among others. It is a good thing to hear that they try to build their morale and develop some handy skills for them. Also, helping girls to archive their aims and objectives is really a good thing. The food, the clothing’s, housing and just to mention a few, kudos to them.

Since this is not only done in USA but also around the World, be happy someday they would reach you too. Helping girls gain knowledge, skills and confidence is their priority. Of course should there be any crisis in the US or anywhere around, women would suffer most. It is all good when they put in their efforts to halt a particular movement or marginalization.

Moreover, it is not only about girls though, guys and the whole Masculine gender is included. If a Congolese migrant like Ilunga Malea Shabani is giving access to go out and do minor jobs on taking permission, it should be something encouraging. At least he has the right to work and earn a living. Though this may not be a frequent thing as due to circumstances, it is cool. It is all about making the refugees feel at home and giving them hopes for the future. It is a first-class thing as well. In his case, he has not seen his parents for 18 solid years. And now he has missed home though he may not recall the journey very well. He has people to tend to, he has a place to sleep and some money to earn, and how much could you possibly ask for again? You can imagine some young men doing the job for UNHCR as translators. In one way or the other, they are made to feel at home and of useful entity.

Finally, with the UN, IRC, WRC among other institutions helping solidly to create a brighter future for these refugees, I do not think that Africa's youth are wasted in refugee camps as my friend Azad Essa would say.

The Women’s Refugee Commission. The WRC is releasing a report on July 31 intended to help humanitarian actors better identify and address the unique needs of adolescent girls in displacement and crisis settings. The report includes initial findings from the IRC’s work in the Nyarugusu refugee camp. This is also very helpful as it may give one any in depth analysis as to the current and forwarding situations. So you see why won’t you yet keep your fingers cross and let’s see what the WRC has to offer?



By: Lin Collins

Same Sex- Marriage or Gay has taken grounds rapidly especially in Europe. Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender Rights {LGBT} would be nothing common to a 10 year old girl in some of these European Countries.

The recent popular vote by the people of Ireland has triggered something in my thought. In fact it is the first country to accept by popular vote. When it all began with Cicero, it quickly moved to Richard John Jack Baker and James Michael McConnell in the 1970’s,with the history of same-sex unions during ancient times, which consisted of unions ranging from informal and temporary relationships to highly ritualized unions, it continues to be now a modern state-recognized thing; same sex-marriage.

It is rather in despicable how we treat these kinds of issues. We often take it on a lighter note. Oh yes of course I know we are in a ‘modern age’. For the one word ‘modernization’, we tend to think that of course we have to adapt to just things we find pleasure in. Especially to those in Europe, same-sex marriage is not a new thing anymore. Think about it, if you would have to change at every bit in the name of ‘modernization’ what would you be turning into. Just ask yourself. It is not about modernization, it is about how you perceive the world from the beginning of creation. If God, which I know some of you do not still believe that he does exist {would talk about that someday later} was to bring another Adam into the scene instead of Eve, how would it be like?

“If it is about child bearing that is no problem”. Why, the advent of technology. Of course technology has aided us in so diverse ways. Mind you, to every good thing, there is a bad absolutely. If technologies has rallied us round to recognize that we can in plant sperms and hopefully change the genital organs, does it imply that you should crowd on it? You marry man to man, woman to woman. And then the adoption idea comes. Fine, you adopt a girl child if you a gay, so he grows up to call who Daddy, and who Mommy, same genders? You can imagine the generation of beings you are already introducing into our world.

In addition to this, you have to understand that there is a limitation to everything under this Sun. You have to understand that to every rule there is an exception. Always I have the right, I have the freedom, too? To do whatever that I want. You could imagine the right that was exhibited by the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and the aftermath {Genesis 19:5-10}. I hope you know the story. If that right was just legal in the sight of the Angles, would they have smote the people with blindness on their pressing?

It is not about being in Europe but measures to undertake to ensure that it does not cross over to Africa or to the other countries. You sit in Ouagadougou, and tell yourself “Of course they should enjoy themselves, it is not in my country.” I give you ‘Ayekooo’. There is an adage in the Ewe language which I translate literally that, “if you see your neighbours bear burning, quickly put a pot of water beside your own.” It means that you should not take anything for granted. “I was deeply saddened by the result,” Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Vatican’s secretary of state, said at a conference in Rome on Tuesday night. “The church must take account of this reality, but in the sense that it must strengthen its commitment to evangelisation. I think that you cannot just talk of a defeat for Christian principles, but of a defeat for humanity.” Of course a defeat for humanity! He is the Vatican’s top diplomat; he is seen as second only to the pope in the church’s hierarchy, which remarks represents the most damning assessment of the Irish vote by a senior church official to date. So you see it is not only about our country but our religion as well.

Finally, a colleague would whisper into my ears, “We are always talking about it but not much improvement?” assuming you convince your neighbour the detrimental act he or she may think of engaging in it to stop, would she not have given it a second thought? I tell you, it is all about prayers. Of course prayers can move mountains. Mind you, behind every act there is a force.

Do you always have to think about technology, freedom and right, no relation to your country, modernization, experimenting with everything you think is cool? For your information, just yesterday Greenland's parliament unanimously approves same-sex marriage with effect from October 1, 2015.

Maybe you would be familiar with this, “curiosity, kills the cat”

What about this ““if you see your neighbour bears burning, quickly put a pot of water beside your own.” Ayekoooooo!

Sunday, 24 May 2015


Where day and night reins

Even that since the days of old

Humanity can expect nothing than changes in life

The Magnificent Moon slowly walks

Believing by daybreak

Would have crossed the sky

If only humanity needs

Get this correct

That there is no end to striving for what it wants

For one economist would tell you “human wants are unlimited”

And that is why man needs not to stop

Fighting for the passion

Like a fish, would not resist the drop of water

It is not hard getting frustrated; neither is it easy, keeping up with focus

As time flies

It is just as good as changing momentum

When you finally see the snail walk slowly

Ask in a golden voice

“Would you ever walk like this?”

If it has the opportunity to answer

“There is no haste in life”

It would not imply that you have to slumber in bed

As you keep focus in life, take it slowly


The more you climb, the slower you have to

In that,

As time flies